via The Gypsy Mama
On Fridays around these parts we stop, drop, and write.
For fun, for love of the sound of words, for play, for delight, for joy and celebration at the art of communication.
For only five short, bold, beautiful minutes. Unscripted and unedited. We just writewithout worrying if it’s just right or not.
Won’t you join us?

2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. Most important: comment and encourage the person who linked up before you.
I’m not sure if it was the eerie flickering light in the
hallway or the creepy faint strains of music that disturbed my sleep
first. Regardless, I was now awake at midnight and
had no doubt what I would find as this was not my first rodeo.
Playing out the suspenseful story written for me, I crept down the dark-paneled hallway confident that the rust-colored shag carpet would hide my approach. With each step, the light grew brighter as the warbling melody grew louder.
Unwilling to give my position away just yet, I dropped to all fours so as to approach the culprit at eye level.
Hypnotized as images flitted across the screen, the figure swayed in rhythm with the maddeningly repetitive melody. His pudgy hand followed the bouncing vegetables' movements. Moments before that same pudgy hand with one simple push of a VHS tape had unleashed his very favorite things into the peaceful night. Just as the two nights before, Junior Asparagus once again serenaded my grinning toddler.
Joining in softly, I sang "God is bigger than the Boogie Man" as I crawled toward Gabe. Thrilled to have company, he threw his arms around my neck and squeezed with all his might.
"Morning, mama!"
Scooping him into my lap, I drew his blanket around both of us as he snuggled in tight.
"Morning, baby."
Sleep would wait. Now I was awake for real.

How sweet! Don't you just love those Veggie Tale moments? I sure miss them. :)
ReplyDeleteI'm here from Five Minute Friday. I enjoyed your post so much. Have a wonderful day!
Thanks so much!! I really appreciate your kind words especially since I didn't think the link-up worked! lol