Tuesday, February 12, 2013

I don't believe in Purgatory, but sometimes I choose it anyway.

I don't have a Catholic bone in my body so don't expect a dissertation or even close to accurate explanation of Purgatory.

If you googled purgatory and got me, well, you're here so stick around anyway.

 Purgatory by Heeman

Purgatory is defined as the in-between.
The place between heaven and hell.
A place or state of temporary suffering or misery.

I don't believe in the after-life reality of purgatory, but I do see it in the here and now.

And sometimes I choose it.

I get hung up on what's happening or what's not happening, and I find myself living in a state of temporary misery.

But it doesn't feel temporary. It feels forever.

And my thoughts race:

  • What if its always this way?
  • How do we do this?
  • I can't keep this up.
  • I don't have any fight left.

Life and its circumstances drove me to the edge of purgatory. Their headlights showcased its entrance and made it look warm and inviting. Like somewhere I could just hang out and wallow for a while.

But I walked in. I chose. I decided to inhale all the noxious fumes of defeat and despair. 

Then my love said to me, "We are not forgotten."

I couldn't hear it though; I was too far gone. 

But that doesn't change the truth of it. 

So today I exhale. I push out the lies and am released from their hold.

The circumstances are no different. Purgatory still calls my name. 

But I know I am not forgotten. Not for a moment. Because He is Good.

And so I choose to walk on by. 

Do you struggle with Purgatory? Feel free to share in the comments below.